APEAL Lab supports Ottawa Public Health mental health initiative

Dr. Colman was delighted to recently support the launch of the Have That Talk campaign. Have That Talk is a program from Ottawa Public Health, in partnership with Bell Let’s Talk, to encourage people to talk to their loved ones about their mental health. The launch event featured new videos created for the campaign (check them out at www.havethattalk.ca), and inspiring words from some mental health champions.havethattalk)

Shown in the photo are Ben Leikin (Supervisor of Mental Health for Ottawa Public Health), Dr. Ian Manion (Director of Youth Mental Health Research Unit for the Institute of Mental Health Research), Dr. Isra Levy (Medical Officer of Health for Ottawa Public Health), Mary Deacon (Chair of Bell Let’s Talk), Jim Watson (Mayor of Ottawa), Dr. Azaad Kassam (Psychiatrist at the Queensway-Carleton Hospital), and Dr. Ian Colman.

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